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  1. 证监会The China Securities Regulatory Commission

  2. 户籍人口household registered population

  3. 现有人口current population

  4. 积分落户制points-based household registration system

  5. 居住证residence permit

  6. 流动人口migrant population

  7. 政治生态political ecology

  8. 战略布局comprehensive strategy

  9. 全面从严治党comprehensively strengthen Party discipline

  10. 战斗力combat capability

  11. 听党指挥obey the Party’s command

  12. 新时代军事战略方针the military strategic guideline for a new era

  13. 埃博拉疫苗Ebola vaccine

  14. 临床试验a clinical trail

  15. 监管机构regulatory agency

  16. 传染病infectious disease

  17. 体温body temperature

  18. 血管blood vessel

  19. 免疫系统immune system

  20. 炒作假新闻hyping fake news

  21. 通讯技术设备communications technology equipment

  22. 恶意造谣malicious slander

  23. 皇室园林imperial resort

  24. 兽首雕像animal-head statue

  25. 民族屈辱national stigma

  26. 正当防卫justifiable defense

  27. 紧急避险emergency measures

  28. 公共秩序public order

  29. 社会治安social security

  30. 中国制药企业China-based drugmaker

  31. 加速批准accelerated approval

  32. 罕见病rare diseases

  33. 新药novel drugs

  34. 发行人和主承销商issuers and major underwriters

  35. 路演road shows

  36. 我国将在2020年前后完成空间站建造并开始运营。China plans to complete the construction of a space station and have it put into operation around 2022.

  37. 规模为100designed to weigh 100 tons

  38. 可载3accommodate three astronauts

  39. 独立掌握近地空间长期载人飞行技术independently master the technology for long-term manned flight in near-Earth space

  40. 长期开展近地空间有人参与科学实验carry out long-term manned scientific experiments in near-Earth space

  41. 世界反兴奋剂组织World Anti-Doping Agency(WADA)

  42. 禁赛match ban

  43. 药检doping test

  44. 公平竞争fair play

  45. 网上申购online subscription

  46. 进行抽查carry out spot checks

  47. 危害国家安全endanger national security

  48. 打压犯罪行为wage a war against crimes

  49. 维稳safeguard stability

  50. 深度贫困地区areas in deep poverty

